Covid 19 Updates - Last updated 29/11/21
Covid 19 Updates - Last updated 29/11/21
Mary Woods School of Dance
⭐November Update⭐
We have had a wonderful time over the last few months and can't believe we finish for Christmas in just a few weeks.
Due to the new variant that is arising we will be asking all parents, if they come into the building, to wear a face covering unless exempt.
Please do keep us updated should anyone test positive and we will be making sure we do everything we can to keep everyone at dancing safe and well.
⭐September Update⭐
We have had a lovely, well deserved Summer break and now we are eager to get back to classes.
Although restrictions have now lifted we are still taking certain precautions within the building such as adequate ventilation.
We ask that you do not attend classes if you or your child have nay symptoms, are awaiting test results or your have been asked to self isolate.
While we can't wait for life in the dance school to get back to normal, we still need to be cautious at the same time.
The normal desk is back open as of Saturday 4th September and all the uniform and second hand uniform will be available to purchase too.
If you have any uniform you wish to pass on then please ensure it is brought to classes in a bag ( a food bag is ideal) with your child's name on and a price.
We hope you all had a lovely summer and we look forward to seeing you all tomorrow
Sharon & the team
⭐ May 2021 Update⭐
We are so happy to be back to classes and are so proud of all our dancers who, after just 5 weeks of face to face lesson, took exams and we are ecstatic to say we had a 100% pass rate across the whole school.
We now have 3 trainee teachers on board and 1 of them is taking her teachers exam before she leaves for university.
Registration for new pupils is now open and we have having new pupils join us each week.
If you would like to register your child please fill out the form below and we will be in touch very soon
⭐ March 2021 Update⭐
We have now had full conformation from our dance association the UKA that the following applies to dance schools in England
⭐NO EARLIER than the 12th April: A return to in person dance classes for children and young people under 18 years old' - Examinations can also go ahead
This is great news for us as this means, on the conditions that the PM has set out and there is no setback, we can resume actual dance classes on SATURDAY 17th APRIL 2021
We will also look at booking exams for SUNDAY 23rd MAY 2021 - I will be sending out exam bills soon so that you have plenty of time to pay
For any pupils who haven't been on Zoom with us, please don't worry we were working on exam dances before Christmas so we will have plenty of time for practice before we take the exams.
The road map that has been set out also means that if by June 21st all restrictions are lifted, we will be able to finally get on stage for our dancing show (preparations are already underway 😉)
Please can you let me know via email or text if you no longer require your child's place at dancing as we have a waiting list of pupils waiting to join us.
We can't wait to get back in the classroom and see you all again
Just a few more weeks to go. we've got this
Sharon & the team
⭐February 2021 update⭐
Good afternoon, I hope this finds you well.
We are trying to get full clarification as to when we can return to dance, the Governments road map out of lockdown is unclear for dance schools at the moment.
We are awaiting guidance from the UKA as well as the government as to when we can return but rest assured as soon as I know, you will be the first to know.
For now, we are continuing lessons on Zoom and I would like to personally thank Amanda & Georgina for all their hard work as I couldn't do it without them.
We have some exciting things planned for Zoom, the younger end of the school has had 2 princess party dance workshops over the past month and the older end of the school are having some Musical theater workshops over the coming weeks.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel for us all.
Stay safe and I will be in touch as soon as I have more news.
Thank you for your continued support over this last year
January 2021 update
⭐Update on recent Government changes ⭐
We are extremely sad to announce that from 31st Dec 2020 due to Greater Manchester being in Tier 4 we are having to move back to online zoom classes.
⭐Please note on Saturday 2nd Jan 2021 we are already closed due to the Christmas holidays⭐
We have done this twice before and we can do this again
Please can you check you are in the Google classrooms for further updates over the next few days
We will continue to monitor the situation and will communicate any further updates.
Let’s try and stay positive and keep dancing
Thank you for your support
Sharon and the team
December 1st update
After reading through all the guidelines I am so happy to announce that we can reopen on Saturday 5th December for all pupils
This is in-line with all the covid secure measures we have in place.
We can't wait to to welcome you all back to the classroom once again
Sharon and the team x
November 1st Update:
Good afternoon.
Following yesterday's announcement from the government and an update from our regulatory body the UKA we can confirm that unfortunately we have to stop face-to-face classes at the dance school once again.
The government guidelines state: To reduce social contact, the Government has ordered certain businesses and venues to close. These include: Dance studios
Despite these circumstances we are fully ready to resume the zoom classes on Saturday 7th November and hope to see all current pupils on there with us.
We did it once, let's do it again!
Hopefully this is just for 4 week as stated by the Prime Minister yesterday and we will keep you informed of any changes every step of the way.
As always the health and safety of our dancers, their families, our team and the wider community is our first priority
We will continue to monitor the situation and will communicate any further updates as and when
Let's try and stay positive and keep dancing!
Sharon & the team
September update: 19/9/2020
We are loving being back open and are fully Covid safe. Pupils are excited to be back in the classroom.
Temperatures are taken on arrival before entrance to the building, we also have a full trace and trace system in place so everyone is safe.
We are please to announce we are now in a position to accept new pupil, so if you would like your child to attend Mary Woods School of Dance please do contact Sharon on 07576448316.
Places are available for pupils age 3 years and older.
We are constantly updating or risk assessments and keeping fully up to date on government guidelines and advice.
August Update:
Dear Parents/carers,
We are re opening the dance school on Saturday 5th September 2020 - It has been a long 6 months and we can't wait to have all the pupils back in the classroom.
That being said it is vital that you check your emails and respond appropriately as I can only have a maximum of 30 people in the building at any one time ( 5 of these are staff)
We have all the policies and procedures in place and it is vital that you read them carefully, tick and fill out the form as necessary.
No form = No entry for your child.
Please note that we will not be accepting any cash payments. All lesson fees and uniform orders MUST be done via the website.
Entry to the building will be via the Emergency exit door by the kitchen door. Pick up will be round the back of the building and parents MUST wait OUTSIDE the fenced off garden area so we can ensure pupils leave safely.
We are asking, where possible that you walk to the centre or park in the vicinity of the area NOT park in the car park as we will need as much space as possible in the car park.
No parents are allowed in the building and pupils must only bring their shoes into the building (no coats, bags, shoes teddy bears etc)
Due to the way classes need to be run your child's class time will be a little different than normal.
If you need any further information please do not hesitate to get in touch with me on 07576448316
We look forward to welcoming you back.
Sharon & the Team :)
Many thanks